Donnerstag, 15. November 2018
 in: Rechts-Links-Kernthemen

Google Maps: Savile Town
(siehe auch Bild im Tweet)
Frage an alle Fans des Großen Austausches: Sieht so Vielfalt aus? Das Bild stammt aus Savile Town in Yorkshire (wer erinnert sich an „Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh“?). 43 von 5,000 Einwohnern sind Engländer: Sharia-Gerichte, Vollverschleierung,Kinderehe,FGM. Bunt. Diversity. Ende  Savile_Town
Savile Town is perhaps most famous for its role in the British Muslim community and has experienced significant white flight, with the 2011 census recording a 93% Asian Muslim population and experiencing significant economic decline.
a detailed breakdown of the last census of 2011 recorded that only 48 of the 4,033 people living here were white British.

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